When I think about what I give my clients across the variety of services that I offer, the heart of all is love. Beyond the condition of payment, I am able to honor and respect, to love, the light within my yoga, reiki, and cuddlist clients without agenda. This is part of the offering and how I am able to offer it.
For a small fee, you have my undivided attention. Seems a bit odd to make note of, but having the full attention of another person is rare these days with even our best friends and closest family whisked away from us by a tiny device.
Acceptance at a bargain. Since we have no prior history, the slate is clean. I have no "honey do" agenda. I definitely take care of myself if anything gets uncomfortable, but just as much as a reiki or yoga session, a cuddle that I'm paid for is about accepting and validating what the client wants, even if I ultimately can't fulfil it. Maybe we negotiate to something else...
Those who test the rules get my most heartful response. Dismissing a client or choosing not to work with one, though it may seem like a "condition" is my loving gift wishing them to find something more suited to their needs.
